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130 bedrijven gevonden
North Sea Port is het 60 kilometer lange grensoverschrijdende havengebied dat zich uitstrekt over Vlissingen, Borsele, Terneuzen en Gent. Als één van de snelst groeiende havens in Europa zetten wij ons dagelijks in voor de ontwikkeling en het beheer van het gebied.
Molymet Belgium, gevestigd in de Gentse kanaalzone, is in Europa de voornaamste producent van Molybdeen en Ferromolybdeen voor de metaal- en staalindustrie. Door de voortdurende innovatie heeft Sadaci een belangrijke en sterke naam opgebouwd bij haar klanten in Europa en de rest van de wereld.
Boerenbond is de organisatie voor land- en tuinbouw. Meer dan 200 gemotiveerde medewerkers engageren zich voor kwaliteitsvolle belangenbehartiging, dienstverlening, innovatie en vorming. Boerenbond ijvert voor een duurzame landbouw en gaat daarover in dialoog met iedereen die belangstelling heeft.
BeHeCON studiebureau stabiliteit. Opmaak van stabiliteitsstudies Second opinions: optimalisatie van reeds opgemaakte stabiliteitsstudies Berekening van constructies Projecten: woningen, villa's, appartementen, industriegebouwen, kantoren, publieke gebouwen, nieuwbouw & verbouwingen
Sigasi radically redefines digital design. Our design entry tool Sigasi Studio makes the work of digital chip designers more efficient and fun. Sigasi Studio has now become the essential next-generation Intelligent Development Environment (IDE) for hardware designers. Sigasi Studio drastically improves designer productivity by helping to write, inspect and modify digital circuit designs in the most intuitive way. Our tool understands the design context. Advanced features such as intelligent autocompletes and code refactoring, make VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog design easier, more efficient. Sigasi, launched in 2008 and headquartered in Belgium, is backed by angel investors and has formed partnerships with FPGA and EDA companies including Altera, Xilinx and Aldec. The Sigasi Studio software is used worldwide by industry leaders in the fields of healthcare, consumer electronics, industrial automation, telecom, aerospace and defense.
Oiltanking is one of the world’s leading independent storage partners for petroleum products, chemicals, gases and biofuels. We own and operate 64 tank terminals in 24 countries within Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific including China and India with an overall capacity of more than 20 million cbm. In developing capital-intensive terminal facilities alone — or with substantial local business partners — the financial strength of parent company Marquard & Bahls AG, Germany, is a valuable resource. Globally, our distinctive focus on both our customers and in providing unmatched service, coupled with a high degree of professionalism and creative logistical solutions that go way beyond traditional storage services, form the basis for an excellent partnership with our clients. Career prospects With locations in Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific including China and India, we are represented on nearly all continents. Our employees enjoy considerable creative freedom and have a high degree of individual responsibility. This creates extraordinary flexibility and efficiency in satisfying special customer needs and wishes and a wide variety of careers prospects.
